Aryls is 6 Months Old!

It is so hard to believe that our little girl has been in our lives for half of a year! She has grown into such a happy, curious, and beautiful blessing. 

At 6 Months, Aryl is:
•Sitting up independently
•Rolling all over
•Sleeping on her tummy
•No longer sleeping through the night after Neil's Surgery - but we are slowly getting back to it!
•Eating fruits, veggies, rice, oatmeal, and now peanut butter!
•Laughs and Smiles ALL THE TIME

Aryl had her 6 month check-up on Friday with her awesome pediatrician, Dr. Baker. He was impressed with how well she was sitting up and says she is looking great!

At 6 Months, Aryl is now:
Weight - 16lbs 8oz
Height - 2ft 3in

Theses 6 Months FLEW for us, so I hope the next 6 move way slower! 

At this point, I am trying my best not to rush life or moments. I tend to worry about things that don't matter. Well, they matter, but they can wait - like doing dishes or folding laundry. I get overwhelmed with how much I need to do, but I am learning to let go and let the house be a little messy. It won't be this way forever and Aryl won't be little forever. It's also easy to say things like "I can't wait until....", when I really want to enjoy every stage and take time to soak in every moment. Life moves too quickly to rush into the next moment, day, or stage of life. 

