The {New} Mom Life.

Dear Moms,

I used to Blog. Back in 2011. I was in high school, dating my future hubby, very little responsibility, and spending a lot of time with friends. Aryl, my daughter, was down for her morning nap today when I decided to find my old Blog Spot. It was humorous actually. Maybe even a little embarrassing...cringe worthy. My old posts consisted of sharing pinterest humor, random pictures, and talking about graduating HS and becoming a nurse. Life has changed. So, I started a new blog.

I did marry my high school sweetheart, Neil, in July of 2015. I did not become a nurse. However, I did stay in the health care field. I switched from nursing to dental hygiene in my Sophomore year. It was an easy switch over as you will find that nurses and hygienist study and take most of the same courses. I graduated with my dental hygiene degree in 2017. A year later, my husband and I bought a house. Shortly after that, we decided to start a family and on August 3, 2019, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful little girl.

Now, I love my career. Dental hygiene is a fun and satisfying job. I love my family and friends, they are the greatest and most helpful group of people and I am blessed to have them. I LOVE AND ADORE my husband, Neil. Our story and background is a goodie, but I will save that for another day. daughter. A whole new love that I never knew existed. and if you're a Mama, I think you know what I'm talking about.

Motherhood has become my new purpose. Don’t get me wrong, I do still have my own hobbies...when I have time. I still work in dental hygiene, I still make time for family, and I still strive to be a devoted wife. But, Aryl is the reason for all the choices I make now. And I believe that God gave me such a beautiful gift, that I may raise her in his ways. She is my life’s focus and I wouldn’t imagine it any other way. This is my personal opinion, but being a Mom is the best. Hands down.

My daughter is 6 months old and I will still continue to refer to myself as a "New Mom". I actually do not know when I will stop calling myself a new mom....maybe on my 2nd Child when I am doing things for a second time...who knows. The honest truth, everyday seems to come with a new hurdle. Motherhood is hard. It’s exhausting, trying, and emotionally draining some days. But it’s all worth it! And that’s what this Blog is all about!

So moms, soon-to-be moms, and veteran moms - If you love this mess called Motherhood, I’m with you!



  1. Excited to start following this "new start" to your blogging life!


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